Friday, February 2, 2018

Eight Reasons to Buy a Switch (Because Mario and Zelda Aren't Enough)

"I'm not buying a Switch for just Zelda and Mario."

Sound familiar?  If you're a proud Switch owner and you've discussed the Switch with someone who doesn't have one, you've most likely heard this before.  Yes, at face value, it seems like all the Switch does have to offer is The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey.  Just those two games alone, never mind them being two of the highest rated games of all time, would be a hard sell to anyone looking to buy a Switch.  Well, it's a pretty good thing that those games aren't the only two reasons to own a Switch.  So, I'm here to give you eight more.


I'm willing to bet you that if The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey haven't yet sold you on a Switch, there's a good chance you never owned a Wii U.  With only about 10 million Wii Us ever sold, those chances are pretty good.  Mario Kart 8 is one of the best Mario Kart games that I've played in the series, and the Deluxe edition only improves it.  For starters, it comes packed with the DLC of the Wii U version and has a proper battle mode this time.  Mario Kart has always been a terrific party game as well, with fantastic online play.  Taking it on the go with you only makes the game that much better.  The only thing I cannot defend is the abhorrent voice chat system.  I'm just... going to move on.  


Splatoon looks very "kiddie" on the surface, but don't let the aesthetics fool you.  Splatoon 2, just like its predecessor, is a very addicting shooter.  The story campaign, albeit a bit short, has a lot of fun platforming segments and boss battles, but it's the online play that keeps you coming back.  Unfortunately, I'm not much of a fan of how the online matches are structured and again, it's a pain to voice chat with anyone, but that doesn't take away from the chaotic fun of running and swimming around the battlefield trying to overtake the enemy's ink.  Plus, the game's constantly being supported with free DLC.  


The chronic problem that always seems to follow Nintendo around whenever they release a new system is not enough third-party support.  Well, Ubisoft has not only come through with a third-party title for Nintendo but also did it as an exclusive title using the license of Nintendo's iconic Mario.  Ubisoft has also brought their crazy mascots, the Rabbids, for a joint effort in a game that no one ever thought would exist.  What's really most surprising about this title is not just the crazy concept of the game, but just how insanely GOOD it is.  It has the charm of Mario and Co., the humor of Rabbids games, and the gameplay of X-COM.  These three elements mesh together so unbelievably well that you'd be hard pressed to find a better Switch exclusive that Nintendo didn't hand-make themselves.  


Now, I can hear you laughing at me all the way over here for this reason.  I really don't blame you, but I'm not listing this reason for you.  It's for your kid(s).  Nintendo knows full well that this isn't for the core gamer, but I'm not really going to get into that.  For more of my thoughts on Labo, click here.   So, Nintendo Labo is for your children to help spark their interest in STEAM activities.  Honestly, if you bought a Switch for your kids, there's a good enough chance they probably don't even need Labo to have fun with the Switch itself, but this is an amazing way to let them interact with the Switch on a completely different level.  If you help your kids put together, I'm sure you'll even find some fun with it yourself.  


So I know this is way off in the distance, but I highly doubt the Switch will have a price drop when the game finally comes out, not with the success it's been enjoying currently.  Now, when Metroid Prime 4 does release, it's most likely going to be the Breath of the Wild and Odyssey of the Metroid Prime franchise.  If you're any kind of fan of Nintendo, then you're a Metroid fan and I can't think of any reason why you wouldn't be excited to play a new Metroid, let alone a Metroid Prime game, on the Switch. Also, don't forget, it's portable so you don't have to worry about finding a save point if you have to leave for work.  Just take it with you!


You want another hard hitting exclusive? Bayonetta 3!  I'm sure you love action games, and Platinum makes some of the best around.  One of my favorites is Bayonetta.  I never got around to playing the second, but I already know how excellent that game was from the reviews and secondhand from people who've played it.  I have no reason to doubt that the third title will not disappoint.  "But I'm not going to buy a Switch for just one game!"  So sick of hearing that... This is just like those saying they won't buy it for just two games... You'll have plenty of games to choose from when the game you really want comes out, and again, I doubt the price will drop by then so you might as well just buy a Switch now and start enjoying it.  

#7: Wii U Ports



This goes back to what I was saying with Mario Kart 8.  There's a good chance you never purchased a Wii U, so with Wii U games now coming to the Switch, you have more reasons to get a Switch.  I also included Lego City Undercover because it was at one point a Wii U exclusive but even though it was ported to other systems, they don't have the same tablet features the Wii U had, which I'm sure you'll be able to use in the Switch version.  That makes the Switch version of Lego City Undercover the definitive version to own. "But, why are they charging 60 dollars for old games?!"  Depends on the value.  People seem to think there's still value in these games, hence the prices.  Click here to read my thoughts about that. 

#8: It's the Definitive Platform for RPGs

Granted, there's going to be a few major RPGs that might never see the light of day on the Switch, but the Switch already has several great ones to choose from.  There's RPG Factory's I am Setsuna and Lost Sphear. There's NIS America's Disgaea 5 Complete.  There's Monolith's Xenoblade Chronicles 2.  There's also Square Enix's upcoming Project Octopath which I've played a demo of, and it is FANTASTIC.  Now, what makes the Switch the definitive platform for RPGs is the simple fact that it's portable.  If you've played RPGs at all, you know how frustrating it is to be waist deep in a dungeon only to have something come up, whether it's going to work or school or an emergency.  The beauty of the Switch... if I have to spell out it out again.. is that it's portable.  Sleep it, take it with you, resume when you've got a break.  I mean, come on!  Who wouldn't love to get a couple hours of dungeon grinding in while you're flying to the grandparents'?  

#9: It's the Definitive Platform for Indies

Ok, so I lied.  I have one more reason for you, and it's just too good not to list.  Ever since the Switch launched, it's being receiving a torrential downpour of support by indie game developers.  You have to take the good with the bad, though, because just like every platform that indie games release on, there's a lot of stinkers but a lot of certified gems as well.  This is certainly the case with the Switch.  I'm currently playing Celeste, and it's simply incredible. It brings all the fun and challenge of Super Meat Boy and mixes it with a thoughtful story and unique charm.  If that wasn't enough, I've been hearing nothing but excellent things about A Night in the Woods.  I'd love to get it right now, but there's just too much on my plate!  And again, just like what I said about the RPGs, the Switch is the definitive platform for indies because of its portability.  I don't have to wait until I get home to play Celeste.  I can simply play it on breaks at work.  I cannot emphasize enough how that convenient feature alone makes it worth the 300 dollars.  

You know what?  I just realized that I could continue to list reasons.  No, seriously, I could go on and on, but I already said I was going to list eight and went one over, so I'll just wrap it up with one other mention.  As of the time of this writing, there are 431 listings on Nintendo's eShop.  The system hasn't even been out for a full year yet, and it's closing on 500 games.  Even if you only have 1 percent interest in the Switch's library, that's about five games that you'll want to buy a switch for.  That's three games more than just the two you say isn't reason enough for, and that's on a VERY low estimate of what you'll be interested in playing on the Switch.  

It certainly does seem like Zelda and Mario are the only reasons to buy a Switch, but that's because those games are of such high quality, the radiance they emit from their respective pedestals makes it hard to notice other games.  Trust me, they're out there.  And there's more coming.  There's always things down in the pipeline and if you aren't interested in the Switch at this point especially if you never had a Wii U, then what exactly do you want from Nintendo?  Do you want Battlefront 2 or Destiny 2 on the Switch?  Why?  You most likely have it on the PS4 or Xbox One.  If you're waiting for those games to come on a Nintendo system, then clearly you're not a Nintendo fan because you'd have a Switch by now playing those Nintendo games.   If that's the case, then I'm afraid there's nothing I can do to change your mind, so I'm sorry for your wasting your time in reading this.  

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