Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Arkham Delay

Highly anticipated Batman: Arkham Knight for PC, Xbox One, PS4 slips to 2015.

This... is a good thing.  No, it really is.  There shouldn't be a single reason why you should be upset at a potentially great game being delayed.  ... Unless waiting for this game is all you have going in your life.  Seriously, read a book or something.  You aren't on life support, and Batman is not at your bedside making sure your vitals are beeping on the screen as they should be.  YOU'LL BE OK!

No, you shouldn't even be disappointed.  Want to be disappointed?  Let WB release Arkham Knight in October as previous scheduled, and then watch what could have been the best Batman game ever become an unfinished glitch-riddled mess.  THEN you'll be disappointed!  Because you know what?  This already happened.  It was called Batman: Arkham Origins.

Ok, ok... to be fair and for those that don't know, Batman: Arkham Origins was designed by a totally different team WB Montreal, the same team that ported over Batman: Arkham City to the Wii U.  They weren't what I'd called Rocksteady, who made the first two Batman Arkham games, but they did a decent enough job for the time they had.  "the time they had"


Going to give you a second to let that sink in..

The holiday schedule is great for business.  October is the month that gets the ball rolling for the busiest season of gaming for the year.  So it's a no-brainer that publishers want product to line store shelves to make the big bucks before Christmas comes and goes.  But, the holiday schedule also can be bad for the product they're selling.  Most gamers don't care, as they're just happy to have the game.  They deal with glitches, missing content, recycled designs, uninspired sequels.  They just want their fix.  Unfortunately, you just can't do anything to combat this kind of cyclic effect.

Unless you can afford delays.  Unless you have that one game that's so anticipated, people will buy it regardless of what time of year you put it out.  Arkham Knight is just one of those games.  Rocksteady can now proceed to make their game without the added pressure of that dreaded holiday deadline, and this is something that should happen more often.  "and this is something that should happen more often"


Sink it.  Yes, sink that shit like the Titanic.

We only do this to ourselves.  Our constant clamoring for the next great video game.  Our insatiable hunger, our unquenchable thirst for more games.  Our chubby little Cheeto  powdered digits stretched out across the counter to grab whatever pre-ordered games we've been sitting on our asses waiting for, making belly-aching YouTube videos where we make death threats to video game companies if they delay our only reason to live yet again!  We are pathetic.

So, rejoice in the fact that Arkham Knight is delayed.  Do not hang you head low.  Nay, raise it high and know that time is on your side!  Time will make your Batman game all the more better and you will be all the more thankful for it!  And if you're still pissed off about this delay, then I can only say five words to you: find something to fucking do.  "find something to fucking do"


Your ass better be sunk to the bottom of the ocean right about now.

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