Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Switch Has No Games, Yet It Does

So today marks the Nintendo Switch's two month anniversary.  Apparently, the Switch still has no games.  That's what someone would tell you if you read the comments on just about any Switch related article.  The Switch has no games, yet I own six of them and have already beaten four of them.  Technically, you could include Mario Kart 8 Deluxe based on my definition of a beaten game (when you see the end credits roll), but I won't consider that beaten until I've gotten all the gold cups.
Anywho, if we're being literal, then "the Switch has no games" is about as true as "there's no such thing as climate change."  Let me run through the eShop and count how many games are currently available on the Switch.  One moment please.

Thanks for waiting.  *ahem*  At the time of this writing, the Switch currently has 43 games.  In two months time, the Switch has FOURTY THREE GAMES!  That's a huge number!  Now, before you get too excited about that, most of these games are indie, old, ported, or Neo Geo titles.  Zelda and Mario Kart 8 are really the only blockbuster system sellers, and they're both Wii U games.  So in the realm of unique AAA exclusives, then who ever says "the Switch has no games" is correct.  

Now, if you're that type of person who only plays AAA titles to validate your existence as a gamer, then I feel somewhat bad for you.  There's a lot more to experience in the gaming world other than Grand Theft Auto, Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty.  You might laugh at The Binding of Isaac being a launch line up title because it's been out for so long, but I and a lot of other gamers have never played it before, and I must say I had a lot of fun with it.  I could take it to work and play on my breaks, and get a few dungeon runs in while laying in bed before going to bed.  So let me talk about the games I do have.

One recent game I got was Puyo Puyo Tetris, a puzzle game that's also available on other machines.  It's a fun little title, and both Puyo Puyo and Tetris are addictive puzzlers.  Putting them together is just crack.  Now, you might try to discredit it as not being a game because it's also on other platforms, but let me tell you what you can't do with the game on other platforms: bring it to work, slide off a joy-con and pass it to a friend to throw down while on break.  

Then there's I Am Setsuna, an indie JRPG some call the spiritual successor to Chrono Trigger.  Again, you may try to discredit it as a Switch game because it was already released on other platforms last year, but again, you can't take it with you.  Imagine this if you will  You're playing it on your PlayStation, delving into a long dungeon crawl, but you're running late for work.  With no save point in sight, you put the machine into sleep, but it's storming hard that day.  While you were gone, a lightning strike hit a power pole and knocked the power out at your house, completely turning off your game.  You come home to flashing numbers on appliances and a game's dungeon waiting to be run again.  With the Switch, you don't have to worry about that.  You simply take I Am Setsuna with you and continue on your breaks.  Even if you left your Switch at home docked, it's power outage proof, because it has its own battery.  Yes, the Switch is the only home console that is power outage proof. 

Super Bomberman R is not a game, because you loved Bomberman, yet you wouldn't be caught dead buying a Nintendo platform again, so Super Bomberman R doesn't exist, therefore not a game, right?  Again, I feel sorry for you.  Super Bomberman R is great.  Fun campaign, online play, and just like Puyo Puyo Tetris, you can slide a joy-con off and pass it to a co-worker and blow each other up on break!  The Switch's hybrid functionality is worth its weight in gold, and that makes every multi-platform title on the Switch that much better.

And of course, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe don't count as games because they're also on the Switch, right?  I'd ALMOST give that one to you, except, again, you can play these games wherever you go. And these are brand new games to people who never owned a Wii U, just like The Last of Us Remastered was a brand new game for people who never owned a PS3 and Halo: Master Chief Collection were brand new games for people who never owned the previous Xboxes....

Be honest with yourself.  The Switch HAS games, just not games that you want to play, or more likely, games that you'd be too embarrassed to play if your friends ever caught you.  

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