Friday, September 14, 2018

With One Game, Nintendo Has Sold Me On Nintendo Switch Online

Nope, not Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.  Nope, not Pokemon.  This.

I know I've already brought this up a couple times, but Super Dodge Ball is my all time favorite NES game.  Yes, it even ranks higher than Super Mario Bros. 3.  I don't think I've ever played a Nintendo game more than I have with this one.  I played it after school every day for at least a year.  When it came out on Wii U's eShop, I bought it day one.  I crushed all my friends at it, so sadly, I spent most of my time just playing by myself.

Ever since the Switch was announced, I was waiting and hoping that this title would be included when they brought over the Virtual Console.... but the VC never happened.  I knew that Nintendo was bringing over a select few titles for their Nintendo Switch Online service, but I never expected that this would be one of them!  I read an article today about all the games that were planned to release for the service so far, and there it was!  Super Dodge Ball!

I said a while back that's all it would take. I can imagine Super Dodge Ball being the PERFECT game to play on the go, find a person and pass a controller to.  I can't find any confirmation of whether or not the game will be playable online but if so, that's even better.  I could actually go online and try to find someone who's as good as I.  I hate saying that I wasn't going to buy into the service, and then caving, but everyone has that one game that sells them on a service.  The one game that they NEED on their platform.  This one just so happens to be it. 

Oh yeah, and then there's this one as well.

This was another game I played a lot as a kid.  Being able to play this again on the Switch would be awesome and if it's online, even better. 

Now, I'm just hoping that Nintendo dedicates themselves to regularly updating their library with new titles, because I'm sure there will be other games I want to play on it.  It's still no substitution for a true Virtual Console that allowed you play old games from so many other systems that weren't even Nintendo's, but who know what Nintendo has in the future.

Also, with the announcement of Animal Crossing for Switch, this would be the only Switch game that would force to me finally buy into Nintendo's service.  Online play is an essential component of Animal Crossing games because of being able to go to your family and friends' towns and interact and I simply cannot imagine playing an Animal Crossing game without them.  Smash, Mario Kart, Splatoon... I can take them or leave them, but Animal Crossing would simply be a must. 

I guess it was inevitable.  As much as I told myself I wouldn't be buying into this, Nintendo found a way to get me.  And, I have to say 20 dollars a year really isn't that bad, 35 if you want to go for a family plan.  It certainly is far more affordable than PSN or XBL, which I refuse to pay for anymore. So as it stands now, I believe there will be enough there for me to get my money's worth.

Oh, and thanks Nintendo for STILL not announcing a new F-Zero!

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