Monday, June 12, 2017

E3 2017: Sony Press Conference

Sony stars with a video that looks like an advertisement, quite honestly.  Yep, it's an ad for Vue.  Wow, Sony... wow... Then, there's another video that follows. Another ad... are you fucking kidding  me?

Now, it truly begins.  There's some live music being played, and I am willing to bet dollars to donuts this is leading to God of War. Man... I'm getting bored.  I'm starting to dislike these build ups.  I do like the waterfall effects in the background though.  And here comes the trailer.  Clearly, this is God of War.  Oh, wait!  It's Uncharted!  Crap... there's no audio.  Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is the title.

We have a new video showing off a winter environment.  There's a monster chasing some people, then we see the character from Horizon.  I take it this is going to be an expansion.  It is, the Frozen Wilds.

Next up is a trailer from Bend Studio.  This has to be Days Gone.  Finally, the audio has kicked back in.  The guy's riding a bike, escaping from a wolf.  He fell off and is now being beaten.  He's fighting back and just knifed someone, then broke another's neck.  Graphics look pretty good so far.  He's inspecting a wrecked bike and now is running off down the mountain looking for someone named Manny.  He's making his way through hanging bodies, then gets attacked by one.  Now there's some stealth gameplay.  He's grabbed a bear trap. laying it down for later.  He threw a rock to attract attention.  Of course, the guy gets caught on the trap.  OH SHIT!  A flood of zombies down below. Zombies eating bodies everywhere.  He just blew up a gate, and of course, that's going to attract the zombies, and they ran straight for the enemies in the camp.  With the distraction set, the player's climbing to the top of a lookout, where he rescues Manny.  And now there's a bear.  A zombie bear wrapped in barbed wire, and it ends.  Yep, it's Days Gone.

Shawn Layden comes out on stage now. I'm not really enjoying this guy much.  He seems a bit stiff.  He's talking about Sony platforms, how they offer VR and 4K and yada yada.  He's listing some games like they're all supposed to be exclusive, but he mentioned REVII... Enough praise.  Move on.
A new video finally plays.  Oh look, another jungle game.  And this guy has a BIG sword..  There's fireflies everywhere for some reason.  They form symbols where he collects something from them.  Now there's monster encounters.  They look kind of like dinosaurs.  Scenery has changed to grass lands, there's a t-rex looking thing.  Apparently, the player can camo.  Now he's attacking it.  You know, I think this is a monster hunter game.  Indeed it is.  It looks pretty good.  Monster Hunter World is the title.  Early 2018.

A new trailer plays from Japan Studio.  Horses trotting.  OH MY GOD!  THIS IS... SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS!!!! I just screamed like a little girl!  Shadow of the Colossus for PS4!!!!!!  So buying it again!  *drools*

A new trailer unfolds from Capcom.  Some kind of Marvel cross Capcom game.  There's Chun Li, and I saw the Ghost and Ghouls guy.  Mega Man, Zero.  Something about a time stone.  Marvel vs Capcom Infinite.  Is this supposed to be a fighting game or what?  The cutscenes make it seem like something else.

Another video plays, looks like a war game taking place around World War 2?  Yep, this is the new Call of Duty.  At least it didn't start the show.  But, personally, I'm happy to see the franchise return to WWII.  I JUST might get this one, because I loved Call of Duty 2.  It looks fantastic.  Call of Duty WWII is the title.

A PSVR trailer now.  And this looks like Skyrim.  I still haven't played Skyrim, but my dollar is going to the Switch version.

Next is a video from Playful.  Another VR trailer showing a ship landing, elevator carrying it below the surface.  It's a sidescroller.. I like the look of the game.  There's giant robotic insect enemies, and then there's a giant robot that takes the player up.  The game is called Star Child.

Another VR video plays, showing what looks like a mental institution.  The Inpatient.

Now another video is showing of a VR game.  Looks likes it's fishing for FFXV.  Monster of the Deep: FFXV.

Next up is a video showing a war game.  Hopefully, this will use the Aim controller.  If so, I'm already sold.  Bravo Team is what it's called.

Next one shows a book, then some nature scenery, a lost ruin, some mouse creature with a green gauntlet.  There's a mask in the water, and there's this circle of the light that floats across the screen.  Moss is the title.

Looks like that's it for the VR titles.  Now there's the sounds of someone paddling a boat.  The video plays, showing someone doing just that.  Yep, here's God of War. There's the boy, there's Kratos ax, that he just threw away.  Now, he and the boy are talking to each other.  Now they're in a frozen land.  What's with the floaty camera, though?  That is annoying.  Now, there's some gameplay.  Classic hack and slashing, saw some climbing, a boss fight. I'm so concerned though that the walking narration of Kratos and the boy is going to interrupt the flow of the game too much.  The boy is revealed to be his son.  A giant monster just came out of the water.  Called the World Serpent.  It just spit out the axe he threw away earlier.   God of War with apparently no subtitle.  Early 2018.

Another video plays shows a man singing, then there's shots of a futuristic Detroit  Oh, I forgot about this game! I love David Cage games.  The characters are trying to rescue their people, they get the attention of law enforcement drones.  The gameplay has them ducking detection, climbing around, taking down the drones.  It looks pretty cool.  They just drove a vehicle through a store front.  Now, these "people" are androids, and there's going to be a revolution against the humans.  Oooh, the decision making scenarios look pretty intense.  Detroit: Become Human.  Loving it!

The next video up shows a game from Bungie which is obviously Destiny 2.  Don't care.  September 6th. And there will be Sony exclusive content.  Again, don't care.

NO!  The boring guy Shawn Layden comes out again.  At least he didn't talk much.  He lets another video play.  IT'S SPIDER-MAN!  Gameplay!  He's doing what a Spider-Man can!  Stealth take downs, flinging himself around to new vantage points, webbing up enemies.  Kinda reminds me of Batman in a way.  I'm loving the moves!  Seems like we got a Rocksteady influenced combat system.  Now we got a helicopter that's dropped a boss for Spidey to fight, who's handling himself well.  Didn't take long for him to knock him out.  Looks like we got a villain.  Martin Lee.  They just knocked a crane over on their way out, so Spidey has to save it.  And he's saving it... by QTEs... god dammit.  Here we go!  Web swinging!  It looks good so far!  Man, though, I am not a fan of these QTEs, though. Now, he's free running through a building and it's being blown up. Now he's fighting Lee on the helicopter.  He just caught the copter with his webs.  Ah, it's just called Spider-Man.  No Homecoming tie in apparently.

The show closes with another montage, and then goes back to Spider-Man real quick to show one little last surprise.  Miles Morales!  Ok... so, does that mean we have the first Miles Morales Spider-Man outside of the comic book, or was it just a cameo?  Only time will tell.

Ok, so... I'll be honest and say that I was expecting better from Sony.  I was expecting more gameplay shown for these games, and now that I think about it, that's kinda been the trend this year for all companies.  They've been glossing over a lot of their wares, just focusing on cinematics with the occasional gameplay footage cut in here and there, but Sony... you were meant to show more!  And your guy Shawn Layden, you got to get him out of here.  Replace him with someone a little more... lively.

Now, games that stand out?  I am interested in Days Gone, but what they showed I felt was not really having their best foot forward.  I felt it lacked the impression their demo had last year.  God of War still fails to excite me from what I've seen, but I'm sure I'll play it anyway.  The fact that Shadow of the Colossus is being remade for PS4... That right there got me most excited, like seriously, I screamed out loud.  It's one of my favorite games of all time, and might be the sole reason that I upgrade to 4K.  It was also nice to see Detroit: Become Human again, and it looks pretty good.  Also, Spider-Man was the right decision to close out the show.  I can't wait to play that game.

Then of course, there's the VR games they showed, of which The Inpatient has me wanting to know the most about.  Bravo Team looks fun, and if that game supports the Aim controller, it's an automatic purchase for me.  Farpoint was a lot of fun.  Now, I've heard people say they don't like Sony pushing VR in their faces, but I actually quite enjoy PSVR, so I'm glad I saw several games shown.

Overall rating: B-

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