Thursday, October 20, 2016

PSVR: Day One

Hello and welcome to what I hope to be a series of daily blog entries that chronicles my experience with Sony's new PSVR.  I was debating for sometime whether or not I wanted to get one, and I watched people's experiences and listened to some reviews and I decided to take the plunge.  I ordered one last week, and this week it has arrived, no thanks in part to Amazon not bothering to package it at all.  They literally put shipping tape and the shipping label directly on the box.  Which reminds me, I need to file a complaint....

Yesterday, the 19th is actually the first day I had with the PSVR, and I didn't get much time with it.  I arrived from work late night, and by the time I had dinner and then unboxed it, set it all up and had a shower, it was already 10 o'clock.  I also planned to do an unboxing video and to my dismay, I realized after I finished recording, my phone wasn't recording at all.  I wanted to show off how well the packaging was inside the box.  It even had a diagram of what order to plug in everything, and the cords had numbers attached to them.  Very user friendly.

After having it all set up, I realized that I need to do a cord management project sometime soon.  Just stemming from the PS4 and VR adapter, I have two HDMI cables, two power cables, three USB cables and of course, the VR cable itself.  My PS3 is now unplugged to accommodate the VR.

The headset, as many have reported, is quite light, and fits over my glasses, although after adjusting the scope, my lenses are right on the PSVR's lenses.  You're also instructed to tighten the back of the headband after you put it on to prevent the headset from slipping off your head.  I think I might have had mine too tight last night.  It also pinches my nose just a bit, and I realized after playing for a while, I wasn't breathing through my nose very well.  I'll have to see if there's a way for me to readjust that.  Overall, I really like how the headset was designed.

The only game I played last night was Here They Lie, a horror game that played an instrumental part into finally pushing me into the decision to buy a PSVR.  I saw lots of videos of people playing, and it looked really scary.  So, it was obvious that this would be the game I started first.  I will admit, the first time I experienced it, it was pretty impressive.  It felt like I was right there on the train, and when I stepped out into the massive train station, I could literally feel the empty space.  The virtual reality effect is quite impressive.

The game itself, however, is very underwhelming, at least at first.  To be honest, I didn't get very far, and only experienced one minor jump.  The reason for this is that I started getting uncomfortable and nauseous, so I had to stop playing.   I was really hoping I wouldn't be affected by it, but that's what happened.  I'm only hoping that maybe it was because I had a large dinner, and it wasn't sitting well.  It also didn't help that I got lost in the game and grew bored of it.  Maybe I'll have a better experience with it tonight.

I know there wasn't much for me to talk about with this entry, but hopefully that will change.  I want to play more Here They Lie, and I also want to try out PlayStation Worlds, along with the demo disc.  Also, I paid 500 dollars for the launch bundle, and although it might sound expensive, it's actually a great deal.  The VR unit costs 400 dollars alone.  With the bundle, you get a pair of Move controllers, which is 100 dollars right there, a PS4 camera and a game as well.

Thanks for reading.  I hope to have more impressions with the next entry.

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