Thursday, September 19, 2019

SEGA! ... Genesis Mini

So my Sega Genesis Mini came in today.  Before I get into the blog, please take a few minutes to watch my unboxing video.

After I uploaded the video, I realized I should have at least taken one of the controllers out of the wrapping just to see how long the cord was.  I did take my six button controller out and I'm happy to report that cord is plenty long enough.  No extension cord needed.  I was also wrong when I said that the USB slots were the same as the NES and SNES Classics.  I forgot that those systems used proprietary ports. 

Anyway, let's talk about some of the games I've played.  I only played a little bit tonight, but I did play play four.  The first game I played I already knew what it was going to be and that was:

I owned this game back when I had a Genesis.  It's one of my all time favorite games.  I used to play it so much when I was a kid, I had it mastered.  I even beat it on hard without losing a life.  After not playing it for so many years, needless to say, I was rusty.  I actually ended up running out of lives when I got to level five.  It'll all come back to me if I play it enough.  The levels had a lot of variety to them and got progressively harder near the end.  I do remember now that I played it again when I got the Sega Genesis collection on the 360, and I failed to beat the last boss.  Now I'm looking forward to trying him again. 

After I used a continue, I decided to try another game.  After hearing that there was a very rare Genesis version of Tetris, I was really curious so I tried that next.

I wasn't really expecting anything.  After all, it's Tetris.  It actually plays pretty fast or normal Tetris.  It got super crazy after I only did 60 lines.  It also has several different backgrounds that change as you move up levels.  I may play a little more, but honestly, I have Tetris Effect, the only Tetris you'll ever need. 

Another game I was interested in trying out when I saw it was going to be on the Mini was Virtua Fighter 2.

I remember when Virtua Racing came out, they made a Genesis port that actually had polygonal graphics.  I thought this game was going to as well, but obviously not nearly as impressive as the Saturn version, but that wasn't the case with this one.  The graphics were redone with sprites, and pretty poor quality too.  I played a few rounds with Akira, and that was about as much as I wanted to play from it.  Honestly, this one shouldn't have been put on the list.  Sonic 3's missing, you know....

The last game I played for the night was:

Before there was Dark Souls, there was Comix Zone.  That's kinda how I felt about this game, because it was just so hard.  I made it to the next level before the night was over, but I remember having such a hard time with it when I first played it.  I absolutely loved the concept of the game, though.  Now that I have save states, I might start using them and see if I can actually beat the game this time.  

That's it for this blog.  I'll have another tomorrow as I play more games from the Mini. 

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